Free shipping on all orders over $25 with code FREESHIPPINGCOOL

HAQs (Hypothetically Asked Questions)

How much is shipping?
If your order contains only stickers, then shipping will be free. If it contains at least one of the other product categories (sticker sheets, prints, keychains, phone charms), shipping will be a flat $4.

If your order is over $25, then you can use code FREESHIPPINGCOOL to get free shipping. Cool!

Where do you ship to?
I only ship within the US because I don't know how to do anything else.

Which products receive tracking information for shipping?
Every product except for stickers will be shipped in a tracked package. Stickers will be mailed in an untracked envelope.

Why is the store only open for a limited period of time?
Making this art is first and foremost a passion project. However, it does cost money to open a Bigcartel store (with more than 5 items), as well as rent a PO Box in the offchance someone returns their items. I don't anticipate that this online store will have steady, long-term salesit's more intended as a short-term solution to allow people who can't attend my in-person events to purchase my art. As a result, I can't justify keeping the shop open for more than a few weeks. I hope you understand my situation!

Did you draw all this?

What program did you use to draw everything?
Procreate on an iPad with the Apple Pencil, and a screen protector which gives the iPad screen a paper-ish texture.